Quick Q&A
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Quick Q&A : A Technique for Fast Interaction with Copilot #

Description #

In the collaborative coding environment, quick interactions and clarifications are often key to efficient development. While GitHub has the “GitHub Copilot Chat” product for more structured and extensive conversations, the “Quick Q&A” technique serves as a lightweight alternative. It enables developers to rapidly engage with Copilot in the code editor for brief one-liner answers and insights. It’s not a distinct feature but a method that leverages commenting for quick interactions with Copilot, making it an agile and handy tool for on-the-spot guidance.

Example #

Using the Quick Chat technique, you can pose questions directly in your code and get brief responses from Copilot:

# me: What's the best way to optimize this loop?
# copilot: 

Then GitHub Copilot will answer to the question

# me: What's the best way to optimize this loop?
# copilot: Consider using a vectorized approach or caching intermediate results. 

It can be just “q:” and “a:”

// q: How do I get the current time in milliseconds?
// a: 

For more context-based dialogue, roles can be defined:

# Roles: copilot
#   Expert in Python with 15+ years of experience
# Role: me
#   Mid-level engineer
# me: What's the best way to optimize this loop?
# copilot: Consider using a vectorized approach or caching intermediate results. 

Exercise #

  • Exercise 1: Compare Quick Chat with “copilot chat” by engaging with both and noting the differences.
  • Exercise 2: Use Quick Chat to get one-liner answers to three different coding questions.
  • Exercise 3: Define roles within Quick Chat and observe how contextual information affects Copilot’s responses.

Checklist for Further Learning #

  • How does Quick Chat differ from the “copilot chat” product, and when might one be preferred over the other?
  • How can the Quick Chat technique be integrated into various stages of the development process?
  • What are the potential drawbacks or limitations of using Quick Chat, and how might they be mitigated?